Thursday, June 18, 2009

Saying Goodbye

Last Friday, June 12th, I went to visit my Grandmother who was in the hospital. She was having surgery for her hip after a fall and was not doing very well. She was receiving a Bi Pap procedure that forced oxygen into her lungs and had a large mask covering half of her face. The hip surgery was risky as her breathing was labored and her heart rate could possibly drop yet without surgery she would be in constant pain.  I told her I loved her as the nurse removed the mask for a few brief seconds. All of my family walked behind her bed while she was being wheeled into the operating room like a parade that had seen better times. I think that image will be forever in my mind.  That image is the last I have of my Grandma Garlock. Her hate rate dropped and her lungs filled with fluid after the surgery and by Saturday morning she had passed. 

It still seems unreal that she is gone. 

1 comment:

  1. So sorry about your Grandma Garlock. It is a great picture:)
